See it big and keep it simple.
This is my “motto” for helping others study and understand God’s Word given to us in the Bible.
I help others understand how the big picture of Scripture applies to their lives in simple, practical ways.
I am passionate about showing how Scripture is relevant for you today. God wants YOU to know HIM. He wants you to understand His word and to have a deep and life changing relationship with HIM! I’ll help you grasp the deeper truths of God’s Word so you can apply them to your life. My goal is to help you develop a rich, living relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.
If I only share one thing about me it would be this: It is my calling to help you study the Bible in ways that enrich your understanding of God’s Word in order to grow closer to Him. Sometimes we may dig deep into a single story in Scripture to see all that it contains. Other times we may study a word or concept throughout the Bible to understand its meaning and application for our walk with God. And sometimes we may linger with just a few verses and really soak up all that God teaches us through them.
One of the most powerful ways to enrich your study of the Bible is to look at a passage through the lenses of its history and its culture. These two lenses become our “glasses” for study. When we read with the “glasses” of culture and context, the Bible comes alive, and we are able to see powerful applications for our lives today. I LOVE to do this research and share everything with you!
Finally, sometimes we’ll talk about real life today. As a 21st Century believer, you face many challenges. You may be challenged for time to study. You may be challenged as to how to respond to current events from a Godly perspective. You may just need some joy. I hope to meet you in each of these places in our common journey as Jesus Followers.
Who am I?
I am a Jesus loving first born who celebrates being a daughter, sister, wife, mother, grandmother and two time breast cancer survivor. I was named after my father, so my name is pronounced just like the man’s name Bryan. This has led to a lifetime of interesting conversations!
My passion for God comes from living the first 30 years of my life without really knowing Him personally. Although I accepted Jesus as my Savior at an InterVarsity college retreat, my walk with the Lord stalled. In my 20’s I lived life by my own rules, not by God’s Word. I made a lot of mistakes, chased after worldly things, and felt hollow and empty.
In my early 30’s I began attending a Bible study and fell in love with God’s Word. Nothing has changed or shaped my life more significantly than learning about God through His Word. Later I began teaching Bible studies.
At age 52 the Lord called me to attend seminary. Who says God doesn’t have a sense of HUMOR? I graduated from Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary and today I speak, teach and write Bible studies. I love my family, laughing with friends, encouraging women in their faith walk and being a southerner. I do all this, as well as avoid cooking as much as possible, in central North Carolina. I am so glad you are here!